We all have at least one resolution we make each year, even though we may pretend otherwise. Usually...
Seven Steps to Picking a Guardian for Your Kids (in 539 words or less)
Stop delaying the decision. More than half of parents in the United States haven’t picked a guardi...
The Tortoise and the Hare (a.k.a. Reasons to Avoid Probate)
Time In Aesop’s classic fable of the race between the tortoise and the hare, probate would be the ...
Get in the Car! (The Importance of Funding Your Revocable Living Trust)
This is for all those people who have started their estate planning (and anyone interested in what i...
The 5 Biggest Obstacles to Making an Estate Plan (and why you still need to do it)
Time. Who has it? Between work, mowing the lawn, getting the kids to practice,...
Are Estate Planning Attorneys Becoming Obsolete?
I recently read an article that speculated whether attorneys were...
Life’s Changing Seasons
While traveling to our cabin in Northwestern Wisconsin during peak autumn season, I got to thinking...